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Personal Licence eLearning and Online Exam- Qualify at Home

(1009 customer reviews)

Original price was: £189.99.Current price is: £139.99.

This is a legal requirement that all sales of alcohol taking place on licensed premises in England and Wales must be authorised by a personal licence holder.

Our nationally recognised Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) qualification is approved and fully accredited by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation(Ofqual). This one-day training course has been designed to meet the statutory requirements and includes vital information on the responsibilities of licence holders, duties of the designated premises supervisor(DPS), the role & powers of licensing authorities, and police regarding licensed premises.

Course Title

Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (RQF)

APLH Compliance

Yes, meets the requirement to apply for Personal Licence


Flexible e-Learning


e-Learning as per your availability


Online Multiple-Choice-Exam (Max 1 Hour)


Within 24 Hours – Certificate 3-5 Working Days

Government Approved

Yes, Ofqual Accrediated Certificate

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Personal Licence eLearning and Online Exam- Qualify at Home