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A comprehensive guide to personal licence in the UK

personal licence course

A personal licence is a documentation issued by your local council that allows the holder to sell or supply alcohol in the United Kingdom. This licence is useful for people interested in joining the hospitality industry as bartenders, bar managers, and event organisers.

However, you can’t just use this licence anywhere. It is only valid for places that already have a licence to sell alcohol, known as a premises licence. The idea here is to make sure that alcohol is sold responsibly and legally. What’s interesting is that this personal licence is tied to the person, not the place. So, if you have this licence, you can work in different places that have the right to sell alcohol.

The licence lasts for 10 years, but it could end earlier if you give it up, if the licensing authority takes it away, or if a court decides to suspend or forfeit it. After those 10 years, you can apply to renew it. The local council can respond with a “yes” and extend it for another ten years, or they can say “no” and not renew it.

Key Takeaways

  • A personal licence in the UK lets you sell or supply alcohol, ideal for roles in hospitality like bartenders or event organizers.
  • To qualify, you must be 18+, have an accredited licensing qualification, no recent licence issues, and no relevant convictions.
  • It lasts 10 years, but you can renew it. The local council decides, so keep a clean record.
  • Take the APLH course to understand laws, objectives, and responsibilities related to selling alcohol.
  • Safetymark is the top training provider, offering the Level 2 Award. It aligns with local council requirements.

Personal Licence Qualification and Requirements

If you’re considering a career change in 2024 and have your sights set on the hospitality industry in the UK, a personal licence is the best way to present your qualifications to potential employers. Here are some essential requirements for a personal licence in London:

  • The applicant must be at least 18 years old.
  • The applicant needs to possess an accredited licensing qualification or fit a prescribed description.
  • The applicant should not have had a personal licence forfeited in the previous five years.
  • The applicant should not have been convicted of any relevant offences or foreign offences.

The licensing authority will reject the application if the applicant fails to meet any of the first three eligibility criteria. Make sure that you have all the necessary supporting documents ready before completing the application form.

personal licence training
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

What do you need to become Eligible for a Personal Licence?

To be eligible for a personal licence in the UK, completing a personal licence course from a recognized UK-accredited provider is a must. This course, often referred to as the APLH (Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders), helps to understand the ins and outs of selling alcohol while staying responsible to society. The course is typically taught over one day and is assessed by a multiple-choice exam.

Generally, a personal licence course in London covers the following topics:

  • The Licensing Act 2003
  • The four licensing objectives
  • Personal licences
  • Premises licences
  • The protection of children
  • Legal rights and duties
  • Powers and Enforcement

The APLH, or Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders, is not a mere qualification – it’s a requirement outlined by the 2003 Licensing Act. This act oversees the entire process of getting a personal licence for the retail sale of alcohol. Without this accreditation, you have no chance of making a future in the hospitality industry.

personal licence qualification
Photo by Rachel Claire

Personal Licence Training with Safetymark – Number #1 in the UK

If you want to increase your chances of approval for a personal licence, then the first step is to choose an accredited and qualified training program in the UK. Safetymark is the leading training and courses provider in the country that gives people a chance to take control of their employment.

Our nationally recognised Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) qualification covers all the important aspects of personal licensing, from understanding licensing laws to implementing responsible practices in alcohol retail. Our courses are in line with the statutory requirements of your local council so your chances of getting a personal licence are higher than ever.

And the best part is that you can go for the Fast-Track package for just £119.99 to get same-day results for your personal licence training course instead of waiting for 12-15 working days. From managing events to steering bar, sign up today at Safetymark and start any career with your licence!

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